FREE One Hour Workshop

Mom's Holiday Guide
to Food Allergies

Have Peace of Mind This Holiday Season
With Your Child's Food Allergies

LIVE! One Hour Workshop

Mom's Holiday Guide
to Food Allergies

Have Peace of Mind
This Holiday Season
With Your Child's Food Allergies!


Do you want to simplify the holidays with checklists and step by step guides that cover it all?

AND... have peace of mind that your child will be safe and enjoy the holiday season?

Do Any of These This
Sound Like You?

  • Are you feeling... overwhelmed with food allergies during the holidays?
  • ​Are you concerned for... your child's safety at all the holiday events?
  • Are you frustrated with ... lack of understanding and consider by others?
  • ​Are you worried about... traveling this holiday season?
  • Are you frustrated with.. communicating your child's food allergies at family gatherings?
  • ​​Are you struggling to ensure that... school holiday events will be safe and fun for your child?
  • Are you worried about... potential risk with holiday gifts and goodies?

In Just ONE HOUR, I'll Share With You The Complete Holiday Step by Step Guide with Checklists To Sail Through The Holidays!

We will cover Holiday-Specific things

  • Family Gatherings: Learn how to breeze through family gatherings, making sure your child's food allergies are understood and catered for.
  • Traveling with Food Allergies: Get tips for stress-free travel with your child, creating a plan that keeps them safe and happy on the go.
  • Holiday Parties: Find out how to enjoy holiday parties while keeping your child safe, with easy tricks for allergy-friendly fun.
  • Preparation for School Events: I'll give you a simple guide to prep for school events, so your child can join in the festivities without any worries.
  • Gifts, Goodies, & Allergies: Discover how to handle gifts and treats, making sure all the holiday goodies are safe for your child to enjoy!
  • Safe Holiday Cooking: Cook up a storm with our safe holiday cooking strategies that mean tasty treats without the allergy stress.

We will focus on 

  • Safety: Focus on safety, making sure every holiday activity is fun, without forgetting about your child's needs
  • Inclusion: I'll help you include your child in every holiday moment, without feeling left out because of their allergies.
  • Advocate Tough Conversations: Learn how to have those tough talks, advocating for your child's health while keeping the holiday spirit alive.
  • Planning: Get organized with my planning tips, so you can relax knowing you're ready for a safe holiday season.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Be prepared for any situation with our emergency tips, so you can tackle any allergy issues head-on.

Why I Can Help You!


My son was born with food allergies and had his first anaphylactic attack at 10 months old.

He is now a thriving teenager mastering his food allergies daily.

I have been where you are today. 


Second, I have struggled keeping my son safe at school, parties, sports, family, friend's homes, and more.

I have learned and come up with ways to keep my son safe when I am not there, and THESE STEPS WORK!

I want to give you a shortcut to achieve what I have so your child can experience more, and you have greater peace of mind. 

I want to make this easier for YOU...


I help moms confidently master their child's food allergies for a safe, healthy, and included life!


I help moms confidently master their child's food allergies for a safe, healthy, and included life! 